

Rates for CÔTE D'IVOIRE mob

All previous prices are hereby invalid. Prices in ct/min. (incl. VAT). Billing is per minute (60/60) unless otherwise stated

    registered users non-registered users Rates valid from 9/27/24, 4:00 PM
Call destination with flat rate ¹
SIP/webfon/iPhone App
without flat rate ¹  
  069 96 75 4000 0800 16 5 9999 01801 322 4 22* 01803 322 4 22** 01805 322 4 22***
Nov 7, 2024, 8:14:59 AM 62,50 ct./Min. by landline 62,89 ct./Min.
by mobile 67,44 ct./Min.
*Land line price: 3,9 ct/min
**Land line price: 9 ct/min
***Land line price: 14 ct/min
¹ to the German Landline
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Calling time after charging

Hier können Sie sehen, wie lange Sie nach Aufladung des kleinsten Punktepaketes (10 €) nach CÔTE D'IVOIRE mob telefonieren können.

Dial-in number Rate € 10,00 equates to
069 96 75 4000 62,50 ct./Min. 16 minutes
0800 16 5 9999 by landline 62,89 ct./Min.
15 minutes
0800 16 5 9999 by mobile 67,44 ct./Min. 14 minutes
SMS 6 ct./SMS 166 SMS

test call to CÔTE D'IVOIRE mob

Test the connection for 30 seconds free of charge, without obligation and without registration.


Current weather in CÔTE D'IVOIRE

  • 26 °C
  • Wind: N at 4,0 km/h
  • sonnig
  • Thu
  • 20°C / 31°C
  • sonnig
  • Fri
  • 20°C / 31°C
  • sonnig
  • Sat
  • 21°C / 32°C

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Area code for CÔTE D'IVOIRE mob
cheap calls - 002250
Area code for CÔTE D'IVOIRE mob
cheap calls - 002254
Area code for CÔTE D'IVOIRE mob
cheap calls - 002255
Area code for CÔTE D'IVOIRE mob
cheap calls - 002256
Area code for CÔTE D'IVOIRE mob
cheap calls - 002257
Area code for CÔTE D'IVOIRE mob
cheap calls - 002258
Area code for CÔTE D'IVOIRE mob
cheap calls - 002259

Register Now


The pro's at a glance:

  • 1 €* credit at no charge.
  • No basic fee, contract can be terminated at any time
  • Full cost control with pre-paid credit account. Rate announcement before the call begins
  • Free of charge phonebook use including speed-dial.
  • Make calls abroad without roamingcosts — with our callback service
  • No pin codes or card numbers,easy identification process by access recognition.
  • Itemised reports, credit top-up and personal data management are all possible at any time from the user account.
  • Free SIP-Account
  • mobile page on the go
  • Constantly changing discounts for our customers

*The sign-up bonus is only paid once per registered telephone-line/per customer.